Stay healthy even when you work hard!!

If we observe our life, we’re living 70% or more time of it in professional activities – either mentally or physically… Very frequently in a day, we greet the others : “Take Care of yourself!!” but do we do the same to ourselves? Do we maintain a healthy lifestyle? Most of us will answer this as “NO”.


And in return, after our 40s we face multiple mental and physical problems and deceases like Heart Troubles, Gout, Back-pain, Depression, Stress, Anxiety…etc!! Let’s wake up and take a look on few ideas that can help us to maintain our health even we have to work hard for our dreams:

With a few simple steps, you can be healthier while you work, and healthier overall:

1. Take Breaks

Taking a break is essential during the work day. Find time to step away from the computer or desk once or twice during the day. Working continually can actually hinder your overall ability to stay on task and complete tasks well. Taking a break can help refresh the mind and body and help you pull through the rest of the day.

2. Eat well

Gone are the days of break room junk food. We know better these days—at least we should! Packing a lunch or snacks of questionable nutrition is a poor choice for getting through the work day. Replace foods high in fat, sugar and sodium with better choices that do more to fuel your body. Choose whole grains, like whole wheat bread, and fresh cheese (not processed!) and Salad, Fruits, vegetables and dairy products, like low-fat milk and yogurt, provide nutrition that your body and brain need to keep going during the day. And, it’s better for your waistline, too! Observe your physical workouts and decide your diet, believe me if you’re a good observer, you can be your own dietitian!!

3. Get outside

When you do take a break, consider stepping outside your home or workplace office. Getting out from under the roof is freeing and can rejuvenate your mind and spirit. Even if it is cold, cloudy, wet or snowy, a few moments outside can be the refreshment you need to get back to work. Take a brisk walk around the block, or find a quiet place by a tree or bench to just breathe deeply, before heading back inside.

4. Drink well

Coffee in the morning is a good thing (necessary, actually, for many working Professionals). Caffeine does wonders to wake the mind and jump-start your day. Too much caffeine; however, can actually work against you.
The WHO advises that 500-700 milligrams of caffeine a day, about 5-7 cups of coffee or other caffeinated drinks, can actually cause dehydration. If you’re a java junkie or replace the morning coffee with cups of tea, hot chocolate or caffeinated soda, you could be pushing the upper limits of daily caffeine intake. Water is your friend. It keeps you hydrated and helps maintain balance inside your busy system. Have your morning coffee, and then keep a water bottle handy for the rest of the day.

5. Unplug yourself

If you find stress invading your workday, you may need more than just a break from your desk. You may benefit from unplugging completely. Meditation is a quick way to help settle anxiety and mental stress. Find a quiet spot to sit in a chair or on the floor. Keep your spine straight and close your eyes. Then, focus on breathing in deeply, holding your breath for two seconds, and letting the breath out slowly. Repeat this deep breathing for five minutes. Deep breathing can help refocus and regroup the mind while squashing stresses of the day.

6. Stand up

A 2010 study published by the American Cancer Society showed some frightening results: sitting too long increases your risk of obesity and heart disease, even if you diligently exercise every day. Considering so many of us work at a computer desk, this study is a slap in the face. So, let’s work healthier by standing up!
Try spending several hours of your work day standing. Use a counter top or adjustable computer stand to work in a comfortable, upright, position. The study found that people who sit six hours or more in a workday were at the greatest risk. If possible, alternate sitting and standing as much as possible (and still keep that daily workout, too!)

7. Embrace the water cooler or cafeteria

ImageIf you work in an office, the stereotypical water cooler or cafeteria may indeed be the place to mingle with your co-workers. Embrace the opportunity to have a quick, non-business chat with someone you enjoy at the office. Connecting with others can help boost your mood and energy levels. If you work from home, don’t be ashamed to take a quick break to chat around the virtual water cooler, like Facebook or Twitter.

8. Get ergo

Ergonomics can have a big impact on your physical health in the workplace. This applies to how well the equipment you use, like your computer, office chair, desk and other equipment, fits you.
For instance, if your chair is too low and you must reach up to use your keyboard, you risk straining muscles in your arms or wrists. Be sure your most frequently used equipment fits your physical profile so you can sit, stand, bend and move comfortably. When your environment fits you comfortably, you reduce the risk of muscle strain and other injuries.
Justine Grey is a web entrepreneur who writes Work Life Joy for frazzled business builders who long to work vibrantly and live beautifully. You can find her on Twitter at @JustineGrey chatting about life, work and her pop culture obsession.

That’s all, this was a simple try to share some of the ideas that I do have for making the balance in our work life and health, If you do have any new ideas of any opinion regarding this, comments are always welcome. So Stay Happy!! Stay Healthy!! Enjoy the Life!! 🙂 🙂 🙂


Keys to Confidence

Hello Friends,

Sometimes I see so many people having lots for problems in life, yet they are very relaxed & enthusiastic… while some are having burden & stress even if they have very little problem to deal with! I started to figure out that what makes the first kind of people drive so relaxed & stress-free life? I found that it’s all CONFIDENCE that make us feel free & successful. It can be confidence on life, relatives, beloved ones, but it is too tough to keep it intact while dealing with huge troubles in life, here are some points that may help you for a lifetime…

Confidence is a fuel for the journey between WHAT I AM & WHAT I WANNA BE!

Confidence is a fuel for the journey between WHAT I AM & WHAT I WANNA BE!

Confidence is about having self-belief and can be easily learnt. It is a state of mind. Once learnt, it opens up so many new possibilities. Increased confidence can enable all of us to do what we have always wanted to do but have been too scared to do. Once fear is replaced with confidence it becomes easy to:
•    Speak in public
•    Ask for a promotion or raise
•    Recover from an illness or past traumas
•    Find your ideal partner
•    Make any business successful
•    Start doing what you really want

Lack of confidence includes the small voice in our heads that says “no, I cannot”. Do you know the one I mean? So what are some of the ways to feeling and being more confident? Here are our tried and tested 10 keys on how to feel and be more confident:

1. Celebrate the victories – big and small

Celebrate Every Small Happiness

Celebrate Every Small Happiness

Identify all the events you are proud of and even achievements that now may seem common, part of a daily routine. For example, the first time I learnt to brush my teeth or the first time I learnt to walk. There may be more recent examples, for instance asking someone out on a date, being honest with myself, opening a door for someone else or perhaps being there for someone in their moment of need. Examples of victories include: # Passing an exam # Speaking the truth # Completing a goal             # Having the courage to say goodbye to a relationship. Sometimes we forget how far we have come and all that we have achieved. Remember all that you have achieved so far, no matter how big or small. What are some of the victories you need to celebrate now?

2. Write down your 100 amazing qualities and read them

Write down all the 100 qualities you love about yourself and then the 100 qualities others love about you. Keep these qualities close by so that you can read them often. If you find you cannot find 100, start writing down all the amazing things you can do. There will be many things you can do, for example smile, hug someone, cook, clean the house, go to work or have a shower.

3. Learn from people who are more confident

Confidence makes man capable...

Confidence makes man capable...

Spend time with people who are more confident. Notice what they do and how they do what they do. Observe their speech, their body posture, their breathing, the way they speak and how they communicate. Ask them questions about what makes them feel confident. You will also notice people who may appear confident on the outside may not feel so confident on the inside. So know that everyone is human, including yourself.

4. Adopt the posture, breathing and focus of confidence

Imagine yourself as already confident. Sit how you sit, stand how you stand, breathe how you breathe as if you are already confident. Notice when you are confident where you are breathing from. What is your posture like? Where are you focusing your attention? What are you saying to yourself. Examples include “When I am confident I sit up straight, breathe deep from my belly and look ahead, my focus is on being successful and I say to myself I CAN DO IT, YES I CAN DO IT.” We all have our strategy for confidence and I wonder what your strategy for confidence is?

5. Start the day with a positive affirmation

It may seem a bit out there but I can guarantee it works. For example: “Every day in every way I am becoming more and more confident” “I feel so happy I can’t stop smiling” I tend to say mine in the mirror every morning. I wonder what daily affirmations you would like to make every day?

6. Stop worrying about what others think and start being you

Start working on your GOAL...

Start working on your GOAL...

All too often in life we limit ourselves because of what others think. For example, the neighbours, work colleagues, parents, partners, as well as friends. There was a time when I limited myself because I was worried about what my friends would think and I did not study and failed one of my exams. I just wanted to be cool and liked and did not pay any attention to going to class. Being cool was not me. I enjoyed studying.

7. Be kind to yourself and others

Always say: I LOVE ME!!

Always say: I LOVE ME!!

Kindness increases a happy hormone called Oxycontin in our bodies. This hormone is produced when we are in love or do something kind for ourselves or others. Acts of kindness includes smiling, hugging, opening a door, saying thank you or helping someone in need.

8. Let go and learn from the past hurts and disappointments

The past does not have to equal our future and yet there are times when it feels like our past failures and hurts may be controlling our future. Sometimes people feel because they have failed in the past they will fail again in the present and future. The first step to letting go is acknowledging that it happened and it is over now. It is definitely in the past.

To move on from the past ask yourself “What was the lesson from the past event?”, “What was I meant to learn?”, “What would I do differently in the future?” There is a well-known saying which is “There is no failure, only feedback.” And, finally, ask yourself “What would I do if I knew I could never fail?”. A clinically proven technique that is growing in popularity is Emotional Freedom Technique. Professionals, business leaders, as well as celebrities are using the technique to be and feel more confident.

9. Learn from your past successes and apply them to the future

SUCCESS: It's not the Destination, It's a Journey!!

SUCCESS: It's not the Destination, It's a Journey!!

We all have strategies for success and can easily apply these strategies to what we want to achieve in the present and future. Recall a specific event when you were successful. Make a note of the event and write down everything you did that made you successful. Write as if you were writing a recipe that someone else was going to follow. If they followed your step-by-step guide they would also be able to do what you have done. Now ask yourself “How can I apply what I managed to do in the past to be successful in the present and the future.”

10. Be grateful for what you have

Cultivation of gratitude is now known to increase emotional and physical health. When we feel healthy inside and outside we feel more positive and confident. Remember all the people, things and situations you are grateful for. All people in your life you love, the home that you live in, being able to surf the web, watching a movie with friends, being able to breathe or learning new ways to feel more confident. Write down all that you are grateful for. Which brings me to my gratitude list. I am grateful for you, the reader, reading this, for my mother, sister, friends and family.

I firmly believe in one thing, “If you can think about achieving anything, You can do it!”

YOU are the exclusive god gift to this world...

YOU are the exclusive god gift to this world...

We should not loose our confidence in any crucial situation, “Confidence” is the value that adds essence in our life, that is the value which fires burn desires to fulfill our dreams!! Enjoy what you are!! Feel Free & Happy  and follow some steps that would restructure and improve your confidence!! Thanks for the visit.. ENJOY LIFE…  🙂