Young Entrepreneurship Meet – GCCI

It was a quite pleasant Sunday morning of 17th April 2011. My friend Rishi called me up, inviting me for a function of named “Young Entrepreneur Meet – 2011”. The entire function was held by “Gujarat Chamber of Commerce & Industry” (GCCI). It was arranged at Conventional Hall of Gujarat University. Me and Rishi left to our way to Ahmedabad for attending the function on my bike. Another friend of mine, Harnath Shukla was about to join us from Ahmedabad.

When I was on the way, I was thinking that may be it’s an another “Political Seminar”, but when we reached over there, I realized that I was wrong. I felt very fresh and energetic youth welcoming us with an Entry Pass and Stationary Kit. I felt as if all were very highly enthusiastic and friendly. I could see so many college guys & girls wish energetic and smiling faces. I could even see experienced old age businessmen and other people. There were verity of people but one thing was common in everyone that was – “Excitement”!  Finally, Me, Rishi & Harnath entered in the hall and found our place. I was quite excited as it was my first function when I was about to listen to our Chief Minister Mr. Narendra Modi live, then presence of Mr. Chetan Bhagat was about to add some more excitement in that within few minutes in that hall. Suddenly Rishi pointed me the ceiling of the Conventional Hall! When I observed that, I felt so good, as it seed like lots of stars on a virtual sky blinking together, due to it’s lighting and color combination…! We captured so many pictures of that ceiling as you can see below.

Conventional Hall Ceileing of Gujarat University

Conventional Hall Ceileing of Gujarat University

After a few moments, all guests were arrived I could see so many celebrity on the stage. There was Mr. Narendra Modi(Chief Minister, Gujarat), Mr. Saurbh Patel (Commerce Minister, Gujarat), Mr. Dilip Modi (Director, Spice Mobile), Mr. Chetan Bhagat (Best Seller Author, India), Mr. Lal (Director, Arvind Mills), Mr. Karsanbhai Patel (Director, Nirma) and last but not the least was Mr. Amitabh Shah (Director, Yuva Unstoppable, Ahmedabad). People stood up to welcome all of them and there was a big applause for them.

Mr. Chetan Bhagat-Mr. Narendra Modi-Mr. Dilip Modi & Guests

Mr. Chetan Bhagat-Mr. Narendra Modi-Mr. Dilip Modi & Guests

After all formal introduction and speech, there were announcement of prize for Young Entrepreneurship! With my surprise, I heard that third prize winner was a 23 years’ young guy from Ahmedabad! This guys suggested a very effective idea of setting up a supply chain management for boosting up “Handicraft & Hand loom” product from the rural to urban areas to the Govt. of Gujarat. He even mentioned how to develop small teams of rural women for the production task of Handicrafts, and how to manage that effectively to market the produced items. Everybody cheered up the Young Man for winning the Third Award. Then it was time for the second prize. A Young Boy of just 24, from Gandhinagar City, won the second prize for his innovative idea of managing textile business on a very low cost with the utilization of effective resources. At last there was an announcement for the first prize winner and it went to a 20 years’ young boy for his most creative concept of “Solar Film Making” for photography!! I was amazed by watching all of them, and wondering my mind that if one has burn desire inside, for the goal, one can definitely achieve it…

After Award Ceremony, Mr. Narendra Modi Awarded Mr. Dilip Modi (Director, Spice Mobile) as a “Young Entrepreneur Icon and Mr. Chetan Bhagat (Author) as “Youth Icon”. Audience gave them a big round of applause. On receiving that precious award, the feeling of proud and humbleness could be seen on both of their faces!

It was the end of everyone’s wait as Mr. Dilip Modi was about to address the audience. He came to mike and addressed us as given:

“I am very thankful to GCCI & Govt. of Gujarat for the Award. I feel very humble, proud and happiness by having it in my hands. I can still remember a story which I heard before 5 years, when I was at the initial stage of my business career. I would like to share that story with you all here, ‘Once, a person was passing through a highway in India. He saw few people cutting trees. He went to them and asked, “What are you doing?” and they replied, “Are you blind? Can’t you see that we’re just cutting trees?”!! that person immediately left for his way further. He saw another group of people cutting trees. He went to them and asked, “What are you doing?” they replied, “Sir, We’re trying to earn some money by cutting these trees and selling the wood in the market.” The person again got back to his way, he saw the third group doing the same thing, again he stopped and asked them, “What are you doing?” with his all amaze, they replied, “We are trying to build our HOME!!” The person just smiled and went back to his way…’ So, here the moral of the story is : “It’s not important that what you do…. The thing which really matters is, how you do, for what you do!!” Each and every person should have a clear goal and destination in his mind to achieve success in the life. When I started this business of Mobile Instruments, I was told by so many experienced seniors of my business that I should not jump into this. It’s all about loss nothing profitable here..!! But I found that there were so many opportunities. I also observed that the regional market was fully occupied by some Multi National Companies. I went to China and other countries for the case study of business and I firmly started “Spice Mobiles” 5 years back… moreover I do feel today that it was just my faith in me and my team and our clear dedication towards the goal that made us successful today!! Thank You”

It was really very nice feeling to listen to a story of someone successful like this. Everybody was clapping for a great success story of Mr. Dilip Modi!! Then after it was time for Chetan Bhagat to come on the stage and address the audience. The lines of Mr. Chetan Bhagat are:

NAMO Awarding to Mr. Chetan Bhagat

NAMO Awarding to Mr. Chetan Bhagat

“Hello everyone, I am feeling very motivated and grateful for this award. I am already connected with Gujarat by my family and friends. I can see Gujarat is having its own precious traditions which should come out and exposed world wide. For example, Gujarati People are very passionate for Business and Communications… It’s a very important lesson and should be learned by our Young Generation (GeNext). When the Indian Cricket Team won the World Cup, we feel proud and joy! We do feel as if we contributed in that. Can anybody tell me why? The only reason that we felt that feeling was the realization of excellence. We realized our capacities…. We realized our real power…. We felt the inner confidence…. and that is the reason that we felt Joy and Happiness. Till the time it was usual that one could easily become succeed by using links and benefit of friendship in the Indian System. But now it’s time to work behind our excellence and to make ourselves really capable enough to achieve the world cup of Economy…!! Thanks! ”

Me and Rishi had no words for such an excellent and full of confidence addressing speech. At that particular point of time I realized that why people are crazy behind Chetan Bhagat and why he is called a Great Speaker.

After that Mr. Narendra Modi and Mr. Saurabh Patel addressed the people there. I felt that those both the speeches were fully political and that’s the reason why I did not included its transcript on my blog! But the outline of Mr. Narendra Modi was:

“It is a matter of worry that, in what direction we are heading towards? In democracy why there cannot be an atmosphere of difference of opinion? Why difference of opinion cannot be honoured with pleasure? Mahatma Gandhi fought against untouchability throughout his lifetime, and here this is a new kind of untouchability, and those practicing it are those who use the name of Gandhi.”

“A need of healthy society is felt. An open mind attitude is needed. Like a flower needs clean environment to grow, a clean atmosphere is necessary for development. Such things pollute the march ahead towards development.”

At the end of the day it was very enthusiastic experience for me. I also got and idea that how Govt. can help us for starting a Small Business! The function was ended up with very Delicious Lunch. Me and Rishi left after clicking some pictures….

Me & Rishikumar

Me & Rishikumar

Me & Harnath Shukla

Me & Harnath Shukla