Drive your startup with Innovations

Drive your startup with Innovations

In the recent era, entrepreneurship is not only defined by how well you’re managing the things but also by what you’re creating for the society. The business world has enough Managers, all they are looking for is great innovators with super meaningful products and services that can actually redefine the way society is living.

Considering this, how well a company can contribute to the needs of innovations and creations, how a company can secure a concrete stage in this competition is defining challenge. Here is a roadmap that can give the organization a productivity boost with utmost innovative culture:

Innovation idea

Types of innovative things you can do in your organization:


  • Innovation Lab:


Creating an Innovation Lab within the typical office culture boosts the productivity and enthusiasm in the company dramatically. Innovation Lab is a group of master minds within the company building a “Techno-Managerial” team to focusing on creating “Game Changing Product/Services”.

An Innovation Lab Outpost in your company can be helpful to understand below listed points easily:

  • New Product Demands & New Markets.
  • Rising Technology and Application Environments.
  • Getting in contact with Managers, Entrepreneurs & Startups.
  • Understanding and Analysing new product/service projects.

Such Innovation Lab can frequently put efforts of the team on hunting new potentials and building revolutionary creation for the organization. Such efforts can provide its fruits either in the form of financial means or in the form of potential resources for the company.


  • Partnership with Startups:

Partnership with startups and raising company can bring a fresh air in the company environment quickly. There are many startups in the global market with strong products with completely new approach of viewing the technology as an integral part of life instead of a medium of ease out the work. Revolutionary market of “Internet of Things (IOT)” and Artificial Intelligence applications in eCommerce retail segments are live instances for this. It should be noted here that one of the best inventions of IOT or AI is made by startups like Nara Logics and Yonomi.

It has been observed that many strong startups are looking for help and guidance from enterprises for product and fund management. Though startups have new innovative approach and potential to concur the technological challenges, they are always seeking managerial molds to shape as an Enterprise. Partnering with such startups is always in the interest of enterprises. This provides a win-win deal for both sides, where Organizations can provide the best of their managerial knowledge and experience and on the other hand startups can focus on building “out of the box” products that can acquire the markets.



  • Startup Accelerators:

Seed “accelerators” also known as startup “accelerators” are fixed-term, cohort-based programs, that include mentorship and educational components and culminate in a public pitch event or demo day.

Getting in touch with Startup Accelerators provides the organization a broad platform for reaching out to startup owners/founders, Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors and other enterprises searching for certain business solutions. Additionally, meetups with industry players and “like minded” people acts as an analytical and motivational fuel for productivity. Impressive results of Accelerator Events can be found in the case study of “Accelerator Business City (ABC)” located at Slovenia, EU.

The main effectiveness of accelerators resides in a “win-win” deals for the organization, where Innovation Lab Team can reach out new markets and investors for upcoming innovative products of the company, with the help of accelerators and on the other hand the organization can get in touch with new startups and entrepreneurs with game changing flagship products.

  • Venture Funds :

Venture capital (VC) is money that is provided to seed early-stage, emerging growth companies. Venture capital funds invest in companies in exchange for equity in the companies they invest in, which usually have a novel technology or business model in high technology industries, such as biotechnology and IT.

Once the organization has strong Innovation Lab, Accelerators in touch and good Startups in affiliation, a strong VC as financial backbone is must to drive the service/product innovation successfully to the market. The second best advantage of Accelerator Events is the direct contacts with VCs and Angel Investors.

Finally, the concussion point of this discussion is – An Entrepreneur must be a peoples’ person and a great communicator while conveying business aspirations. A vision and mission can never be fulfilled without a medium of expressions.


Have a Happy Business!! 🙂

Meditation – The metal maintanance for your mood

It’s 4:30 in the morning, my favorite time of the day during the summer. Watching the light begin to penetrate the darkness, I am greeted by a pair of cardinals singing their wake-up song outside the open window.
While on vacation last month, I would get up every morning at about this time of day and walk down to the dock to sit in uninterrupted silence for about an hour or two. It became my daily ritual. Coffee in hand, I would watch how the rising of the sun gradually changed the landscape. A great blue heron landed silently on the pond, one of the surprise gifts of early morning. Occasionally, a loon would give its haunting cry. I thought, “It sounds like a call to prayer — nature’s call to prayer.”

What are the gifts of silence? What do we gain from slowing down to rest? Common sense tells us the obvious — we all need periods of rest and replenishment, and I find that the older I get, the more of it I need. Rest is a difficult commodity to come by these days. We’re so used to the frantic pace that slowing down sometimes feels a little foreign.
Even when we purposefully take time for vacation, rest isn’t something we seem to value so much anymore. Staying busy and productive is what we equate with importance. Some people even find that sitting quietly in contemplation is boring, even anxiety-provoking.

And yet, taking the time to commit to a regular, daily practice of restful activity (such as yoga, meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature) has been documented to be good for us. Research has shown that daily repetition of restful activities helps to quiet the brain and the body, for it is through repetition that we are able to break old habits and slow down enough to become aware of the world around us.

Dan Siegel, a neuro-psychiatrist and author of “The Mindful Brain,” states that meditation, particularly mindfulness meditation, has the power to change brain chemistry. Changes include greater emotional balance, improved cardiac and immune functioning, and greater attunement to life in the present. In addition, daily meditation has been shown to increase the neuronal fibers in the corpus callosum, the area of the brain that connects the right and left hemispheres. What this means is that there is greater integration and connection to the two halves of the brain, thus enabling the brain to further develop and improve overall functioning.

These findings have implications for our overall health as well as providing documentation about how the brain continues to develop throughout our life span. Introducing children and adolescents to yoga and/or meditation has produced improvements in self-esteem and has shown a moderate decrease in hyperactivity. Siegel’s research also suggests that if we develop restful practices we can change neuronal pathways and increase the brains neuro-plasticity.
Increased neuro-plasticity is what helps the brain retain vital functions such as memory, creativity, judgment, and the ability to handle complexity. In addition, the practice of yoga has been documented to be the single most effective exercise in lowering blood pressure.

What is fascinating about Siegel’s research is that it has shown that it is not necessarily the amount of time that you dedicate to a contemplative practice that affects brain changes, it is the frequency with which you commit to a practice that makes a difference. For example, people who meditated for five minutes every day had more noticeable effects in terms of brain changes than people who meditated for one hour three times a week. Regular practice has an accrual effect, much like depositing money in a bank. Eventually, it adds up. We may forget about the importance of saving, may even begrudge our commitment to putting money aside; but then one day, all of a sudden, we are startled by the amount that has built up.

hand and beautiful energy burst
The brain is a lot like a bank. It takes time to change the firing patterns of the neuronal pathways in our brain. However, making a simple commitment to five or 10 minutes each day can make a big difference. Try it for six months and see what happens. You might even start waking up at 4:30 in the morning.

The only thing I found in last six month is – Giving sometime to yourself (alone) will make you more confident, productive and dedicated towards your dreams and goals. Hope you will try the same. All the Best 🙂